Work and Travel USA - EMPLEADOR 176, PUESTO Cashier - Sales

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Ski Butternut - Premier Massachusets Ski Resort
Great Barrington, Massachusetts

Cashier - Sales
Salario: $ 15.00 p/hora
Fecha de ingreso: Dic 13 - 21
Fecha de finalización: Marzo 10 - 28
Horas de trabajo promedio: 32-35
Sexo requerido: Ambos.
Nivel de Idioma: avanzado.
Vacantes Disponibles: 2.
La empresa:

Host Company Description

SKI BUTTERNUT is set in the beautiful Berkshire hills and offers ski enthusiasts 22 downhill trails covering 112 acres and serviced by 12 lifts a new 5-lane tubing center and a well-known ski school. Snow Magazine described Butternut as “A True Family Mountain” and SnowEast Magazine voted Butternut as their 2009 number one
Favorite Resort Under1100 Feet and Favorite Classic Resort in the northeast.

Job Description: Working at a ski area in the Berkshires of Massachusetts puts you right in between Boston and NYC not to mention the fact you get to ski for free and spend your days outdoors.








Otros datos:





Food Service Attendant:

*prepping food behind the counter
*serving food and beverages in the cafeteria
*Prepare food promptly and efficiently in accordance with instructions given by the Supervisor and established production standards
and time constraints
*Food presentation- Service lines are kept spotless and containers changed regularly as needed. Food selections should always be
well stocked and appropriately garnished
*Guest service is prompt, friendly and efficient. Guests should be politely greeted and asked how they may be helped
*Work safely to prevent injury by proper use of knives and other kitchen tools
*Work and service areas are kept clean and uncluttered, especially walk-in coolers. *Proper storage and rotation of food is mandatory
to insure freshness and avoid waste. Left over products must be properly labeled with name and date and stored in appropriate area
of cooler or kitchen.




Additional info

- Free skiing on days off. 30 % discount in Ski Shop

- Meal Discounts: 30% off food when the food area is open. 50 cent fountain drinks.

- Dress Code (incl. Uniforms): Jacket is provided participants will need to provide there own
snowpants and boots.

A typical schedule is Hours: 7:30am - 4:30pm


Housing is provided by the employer, Dormitory style, shared with other participants.

Housing Information: Furnished, Wireless Internet.
Housing costs (estimate): $ 110 p/week p/student
Additional costs: $100-150 deposit when they move in. No utilities paid by participant.


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Ferias de Empleadores

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Charlas Informativas

Participá todos los martes 12hs y jueves 15hs, en nuestras oficinas. Cupos limitados