Work and Travel USA - EMPLEADOR 355, PUESTO Restaurant Support

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Caribou Highlands Resort at Lutsen Ski Resort
Lake Shore, Minnesota

Restaurant Support
Salario: $ 11.960 p/hour + tips
Fecha de ingreso: Dic 05 - 20
Fecha de finalización: Mar 15 - 30
Horas de trabajo promedio: 32-35
Sexo requerido: Ambos.
Nivel de Idioma: upper intermediate.
Vacantes Disponibles: 0.
La empresa:


The mountain views from our lodge rooms, condos, townhomes and spacious four-bedroom Poplar Ridge log homes are inspiring, as are the vistas of Lake Superior from the top of Moose Mountain. Come see it.








Otros datos:


Resort Worker Position Description: Clean rooms, work in resort, various other job duties as assigned.

Restaurant Support Position Description: Work in support positions in the restaurant, dishwashing, bussing tables, etc.


Housing is studio apartments on the resort property at 371 Ski Hill Rd, Lutsen, MN 55604
Housing Deposit of $350 is refundable IF they stay until the end of their program and IF the unit is left in as good or better condition.

Signing a housing agreement is required and is for the entire duration of the student's program dates. They are not cabins. Fully furnished studio apartment with full kitchen including coffee maker, toaster, and microwave. Pots, pans, and dishes are included. Bedding and towels are provided by student is responsible for the laundering of them. All utilities including wifi are all included in rent. Location On site. 2 per apartment.

Estimated Weekly Cost per student: USD 80.80

Additional Cost Description: $350 partially refundable deposit



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Puestos de Trabajo

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Ferias de Empleadores

Esto y mucho más podrás elegir durante nuestra Feria de Trabajo presencial con más de 25 empleadores..

Charlas Informativas

Participá todos los martes 12hs y jueves 15hs, en nuestras oficinas. Cupos limitados