Work and Travel USA - EMPLEADOR 407, PUESTO Lift Operator
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*** Puesto de Trabajo con Cupo Completo *** Virtual Job Fair: July 24 -- APPLY NOW!! -- |
Nivel de Idioma: Advanced.
Vacantes Disponibles: 2.
6 miles from Great Barrington and 1 hour from Springfield, MA
Suggested Arrival Airport: JFK
*prepping food behind the counter
*serving food and beverages in the cafeteria
*Prepare food promptly and efficiently in accordance with instructions given by the Supervisor and established production standards and time constraints
*Food presentation- Service lines are kept spotless and containers changed regularly as needed. Food selections should always be well stocked and appropriately garnished
*Guest service is prompt, friendly and efficient. Guests should be politely greeted and asked how they may be helped
*Work safely to prevent injury by proper use of knives and other kitchen tools
*Work and service areas are kept clean and uncluttered, especially walk-in coolers. *Proper storage and rotation of food is mandatory to insure freshness and avoid waste. Left over products must be properly labeled with name and date and stored in appropriate area of cooler or kitchen.
Must be willing to work outdoors in all weather conditions
Must be able to lift and carry 50 lbs. and do hard, physical labor
Must be able to communicate well with people
Must enjoy working with people and children
Must be dependable
Provisto por el Empleador!
Estimated Weekly Cost: USD 100.00
Employee housing is located a short distance from the ski area. You will be sharing dorm housing with other employees.
2 students will share a room. There are beds, kitchen, wifi and linens provided.
Estimated Distance to Company: Rides will be given to and from work. The housing is only a 2 minute drive to the ski area.
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Puestos de Trabajo
- Conocé todas las posiciones que tenemos abiertas, cuál es el sueldo en cada una de ellas y los requisitos.
Ferias de Empleadores
- Esto y mucho más podrás elegir durante nuestra Feria de Trabajo presencial con más de 25 empleadores..
Charlas Informativas
- Participá todos los martes 12hs y jueves 15hs, en nuestras oficinas. Cupos limitados