Work and Travel USA - EMPLEADOR 434, PUESTO Host

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Buffalo Phils Pizza & Grille
Lake Delton, Wisconsin

Salario: $ 13.00 p/hour
Fecha de ingreso: Dic 01 - 15
Fecha de finalización: Feb 02 - 23
Horas de trabajo promedio: 32 average through the whole program
Sexo requerido: Ambos.
Nivel de Idioma: Advanced.
Vacantes Disponibles: 1.
La empresa:


Yes, you heard us right, trains! Trains deliver your food & drinks right to your table, it’s a truly unique experience & fun for the whole family!

Locally owned, Buffalo Phil’s Pizza & Grille is centrally located between Chicago & Minneapolis in the heart of Wisconsin Dells, Wisconsin. Buffalo Phil’s is under the same roof as Knuckleheads Bowling & Trampoline Park plus Outlets at the Dells (with over 75 shops) is right next door! That’s a lot of fun in one convenient stop.


Otros datos:



Host greets guests upon arrival, informs guests of their wait time, monitors a waiting list, enter guest names into the computer system, show guests to their table and bid guests farewell as they leave. Host may also refill beverages and performs light housekeeping duties such as cleaning glasses and menus and ensures restrooms are clean, stocked and orderly. Host may also need to answer the phones and fill to-go orders when needed.


Salad Prep Person:

Prepare salad and dessert to order by customer. Stocking, cleaning and various other job duties as assigned.


Housing provided by the Employer. This means that the Village of Lake Delton has inspected this
housing and has approved it for J1 Students. It is REQUIRED to live in a Licensed Housing Accommodation.
It is required to live in Host Company provided housing.
Once you sign the job offer, you are agreeing to the housing provided by your Host Company.
The Community and Administration Building (CAB) houses our office, laundry facility, and a community recreational room. The community room is an area for our occupants to gather, enjoy each others company, have fun, and relax. The community room has couches, a T.V. a Ping Pong table, and a billiard table.

Weekly fee per student: $ 100.-  

Housing deposit required.


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Puestos de Trabajo

Conocé todas las posiciones que tenemos abiertas, cuál es el sueldo en cada una de ellas y los requisitos.

Ferias de Empleadores

Esto y mucho más podrás elegir durante nuestra Feria de Trabajo presencial con más de 25 empleadores..

Charlas Informativas

Participá todos los martes 12hs y jueves 15hs, en nuestras oficinas. Cupos limitados