Work and Travel USA - EMPLEADOR 453, PUESTO Emery 5&10 shop - Retail sales person

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The Island at Pigeon Forge Theme Park - TN
Pigeon Forge, Tennessee

Emery 5&10 shop - Retail sales person
Salario: $ 15.00 p/hour
Fecha de ingreso: Dic 01 - 10
Fecha de finalización: Mar 08 - Mar 20
Horas de trabajo promedio: 32 average through the whole program
Sexo requerido: Ambos.
Nivel de Idioma: Upper intermediate - advanced.
Vacantes Disponibles: 2.
La empresa:

The Island in Pigeon Forge is a piece of the beach nestled right in the Smoky Mountains. You’ll forget that the ocean isn’t a short walk away when you’re walking around looking at the multitude of shops and eateries that all look like they belong on the coast. The Island offers restaurants, shops, an arcade, rides, attractions, a fountain show, and even a hotel themed accordingly in case you don’t want to leave!




Otros datos:

Required Duties: The Ride Attendant is responsible for providing guests with a fun, clean and safe ride experience



Greets and initiates conversation with guests. Takes initiative to answer guest questions and/or resolve
guest complaints. Collects money and/or scans ride cards. Maintains cleanliness and safety of ride and surrounding work area. Tests equipment daily before opening rides to guests. Ensures children are the appropriate height and age to ride. Enforces ride restrictions and recommendations to ensure safe operation of the ride. Assists guests, as trained, with loading and exiting the ride, particularly small children and guests with disabilities. Ensure guests are correctly secured by pulling down on safety bars, buckling seat belts, and/or securing harnesses prior to placing the ride in motion. Follows Standard Operating Procedures at all times. Explains safety and evacuation procedures to guests when necessary. Inspects ride for wear and tear; reports findings to Rides Supervisor on Duty. Keeps eyes on the ride at all times when it is in motion. Removes disorderly or sick guests from the ride. Follows all SMOWI handbook policies. Other duties, as assigned.



 Cost: $ 145 / week / person. More details to follow


Prior to arrival: USD 300 deposit partlially reimbursed at the end of your stay.


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