Work and Travel USA - EMPLEADOR 463, PUESTO Hotel Housekeeping

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Mountaineer Inn Vermont
Dover, Vermont

Hotel Housekeeping
Salario: from $ 18.00 p/hour
Fecha de ingreso: Dic 11 - 18
Fecha de finalización: Mar 11 - 25
Horas de trabajo promedio: 32 average through the whole program
Sexo requerido: Femenino.
Nivel de Idioma: Upper intermediate to Advanced.
Vacantes Disponibles: 2.
La empresa:

Located steps away from Mount Snow, the Mountaineer Inn is an ideal retreat for all seasons, offering easy access to the best of Vermont's skiing, snowboarding, and golfing. The Inn combines the charm of boutique interiors with the comfort of modern amenities, including a geo-thermal hot tub and a seasonal pool nestled among lush scenery. Unwind in our cozy library and game room or retreat to the comfort of your room, all while surrounded by the beauty of the Green Mountains.






Otros datos:


Housing is provided onsite, two students per room.

Estimated Weekly Cost: usd 50.00 p/person

Amenities included: Bed, linens, dresser, wifi, cable TV, bathroom, clothes washer/dryer. Full kitchen available.

Estimated Distance to Company: on site


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