Work and Travel USA - EMPLEADOR 466, PUESTO Dishwasher

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The White House Inn - Vermont
Williston, Vermont

Salario: $ 18.00 p/hour
Fecha de ingreso: Dic 15 - 30
Fecha de finalización: Mar 15 - 30
Horas de trabajo promedio: 32 average through the whole program
Sexo requerido: Masculino.
Nivel de Idioma: Intermediate.
Vacantes Disponibles: 1.
La empresa:

Perched on a hilltop, The White House Inn is a picturesque nature escape that beckons visitors year after year. Originally built as a summer home for a lumber baron in 1915, the Inn is known for its quirks and whimsical touches that have been preserved through the decades. Escape to the Green Mountains and leave with your own story to tell.




Otros datos:

Dishwashers will be responsible for washing all dishes, pots and pans by hand or using a dishwasher. You will also have other cleaning responsibilities including floors, counters, ovens, and other areas of the kitchen. You will be asked to take out trash, stock supplies and assist the cooks as needed.

Please keep in mind your primary duty will be to wash dishes. Please also be willing to work in any area of the inn as needed.





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