Work and Travel USA - EMPLEADOR 480, PUESTO Housekeeping Attendant
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*** Puesto de Trabajo con Cupo Completo *** ONGOING Virtual Job Fair |
Nivel de Idioma: Advanced.
Vacantes Disponibles: 4.
Nestled in the mountains of Pagosa Springs, High Creek Lodge offers a wilderness escape that seamlessly blends refined comfort with the rustic charm of Colorado’s great outdoors
You will be working as a housekeeping attendant at High Creek Lodge & Cabins, Pagosa River Domes, and
Nightingale Motel. Each hotel is located within 4 miles of one another and transportation between the hotels is
provided by the employer. A Hotel Housekeeping Attendant is someone who is passionate about the guest
experience, enjoys a fast-paced work environment and has a spectacular eye for detail. The responsibilities
include maintaining the highest standards of cleanliness in both guest rooms and public areas. This is an
integral role within the hotel operation and impactful to the guest experience.
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Charlas Informativas
- Participá todos los martes 12hs y jueves 15hs, en nuestras oficinas. Cupos limitados